From Ca LEstevetEste restaurante está presente y es testigo de la movida de Barcelona desde finales del siglo XIX. Cocina tradicional catalana en el centro de Barcelona.
Ca LEstevet serves in the Catalonian restaurant sector. Ca LEstevet firm is at Carrer de Valldonzella, 46, 08001 Barcelona, Spain address. You can find Ca LEstevet's phone number and directions on our website.
Where is Ca LEstevet? It is located at Ca LEstevet Carrer de Valldonzella, 46, 08001 Barcelona, Spain. You can get directions for Ca LEstevet, who is in the Catalonian restaurant category. You can find up-to-date information on Carrer de Valldonzella, 46, 08001 Barcelona, Spain Catalonian restaurant companies on our website.
You can go on foot or by car to Ca LEstevet firm, which provides service in the Catalonian restaurant sector. How to get to Ca LEstevet company? For the most up-to-date and short-cut directions, you can get directions to the Carrer de Valldonzella, 46, 08001 Barcelona, Spain address on our website.