A Can Jordi servim esmorzars freds i calents, de forquilla, tapes i platillos. Des del cafè amb llet ras fins a lestofat de poltre amb bolets acompanyat amb vi o amb cervesa artesana. Tria lhora i et servirem el que et vingui més de gust. No servim dinars però sí menjars per endur.
Restaurant Can Jordi serves in the Breakfast restaurant sector. Restaurant Can Jordi firm is at Carrer dAvall, 2, 17868 Espinavell, Girona, Spain address. You can find Restaurant Can Jordi's phone number and directions on our website.
Where is Restaurant Can Jordi? It is located at Restaurant Can Jordi Carrer dAvall, 2, 17868 Espinavell, Girona, Spain. You can get directions for Restaurant Can Jordi, who is in the Breakfast restaurant category. You can find up-to-date information on Carrer dAvall, 2, 17868 Espinavell, Girona, Spain Breakfast restaurant companies on our website.
You can go on foot or by car to Restaurant Can Jordi firm, which provides service in the Breakfast restaurant sector. How to get to Restaurant Can Jordi company? For the most up-to-date and short-cut directions, you can get directions to the Carrer dAvall, 2, 17868 Espinavell, Girona, Spain address on our website.