L’Oratoire Saint‐Joseph du Mont‐Royal, fondé par saint frère André en 1904, est un sanctuaire catholique dédié à saint Joseph. Lieu d’expression de foi, de prière, de guérison et de paix, l’Oratoire accueille pèlerins et visiteurs dans un esprit d’ouverture et de compassion.
Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal serves in the Catholic church sector. Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal firm is at 3800 Queen Mary Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3V 1H6, Canada address. You can find Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal's phone number and directions on our website.
Where is Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal? It is located at Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal 3800 Queen Mary Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3V 1H6, Canada. You can get directions for Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal, who is in the Catholic church category. You can find up-to-date information on 3800 Queen Mary Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3V 1H6, Canada Catholic church companies on our website.
You can go on foot or by car to Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal firm, which provides service in the Catholic church sector. How to get to Saint Josephs Oratory of Mount Royal company? For the most up-to-date and short-cut directions, you can get directions to the 3800 Queen Mary Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3V 1H6, Canada address on our website.